Saturday, August 11, 2012

Exciting Update

Okay so Brandon has brought it to my attention that I have not wrote on my blog. So why haven't I you ask? Well I didn't want to explain what I've been up to but okay I can't hold it in any longer! August 2nd, I put an offer on a house. :)) Ahhhh! Wow, is all I can say! I am so excited I can't even begin to tell you how much! I have never done anything this big, well except purchasing my Jeep. It's a short sale property and it needs a little TLC to clean it up and make it a home, but we are ready for the challenge. My realtor (Cary Collins) said it could take a few months to know anything. The sellers agreed to the offer but we have to hear from the bank! So now our routine is saving money and looking in stores for house stuff. Total change from shopping for junk or whatever else we may want ;) If we get the house our new address will be 100 Wylie Street, Summerville, SC! So cross your fingers for us as our next chapter opens!

On that same night, we had a new addition to our family. Mr Easton Scott Fulton. It's Brandon's brother, Blake and his wife, Turbo's baby. He's so precious. I haven't had a chance to see him but hopefully sooner than later. Maybe tomorrow?

So things are busy for us and lots of prayers for the house and blessings for the new chapter in our life and our new additions. God is good!