AHHHHHHHHH! So here is the proposal...
Our anniversary is May 9th. So today is our "Monthly Anniversary" and we spent it with our favortie friends and family members at the Omar Shrine Kids Christmas Party. I knew Brandon has not spoke to my dad to even ask him if he could have his blessing to marry me so I thought NOTHING of going to IOP at 9:00 pm. We get to the beach and Brandon says "Wait here". So I am sitting in the car and then we go down to the beach and I find a log and sit down. I knew he was working on something but I was not expecting a Handmade Scrapbook made ALL by himself. He hands me the book and I look at the pages. I think nothing of it even though the pages are in chronological order. As I get to the next to the last page I figure out what is happening and I think to myself "Oh Crap What Is Happening?!" I flip the page and it says in pearl letters "Will you marry me?" Brandon then takes a knee and I am so bumfuzzled that I could not even tell you what he said to me on one knee. The next part was "You cannot answer the question yet..." as he hands me a tube of black glittery icing he opens a box that has a homemade chocolate chip cookie cake with cream cheese icing that says "Check YES or No" and the date 12/9/12. I of course took the tube of icing and checked YES!!! Today was the best day of my entire life. We have spent so long together that I did not think it would even be different but the second I put the ring on I felt our whole relationship change. The build up of the proposal was great. Being with great friends and family and special Shrine Heros and our Sweet Little Madison....simply the best day I have ever experienced.
I love you Brandon Fulton, and now I am your FIANCE! :)