DIY Hanging Dish Towel
Materials: To make two hanging dishtowels, I used one purchased 24” x 15” dishtowel, 2 pieces of 7” x 12” fabric, one piece of 7” x 12” flannel, and two buttons.
Don’t forget to pre-wash and dry everything to pre-shrink it!
Preparing the Dish Towel:
1. Cut your purchased dishtowel in half so there are two 12” x 15” pieces.
2. Carefully pleat, fold, or gather the 15” raw edge so that it measures 6” across. Stitch pleats, folds, or gathers in place.
To Make the Handles:
1. Print out the pattern and cut them out. The link is at the bottom of this post.
2. Overlap the TABs and glue or tape the pieces together.
3. Use the pattern to cut out four pieces of fabric and two pieces of flannel.
4. Pin the pieces together in this order: One piece of fabric, right-side up; one piece of fabric, right-side down; one piece of flannel. (Do this twice since you are making two handles.)
5. Starting at point A, stitch around the handle to point B, leaving the bottom open. Clip the corners and turn right-side out.
6. Press so that all the edges are crisp, then turn in a one-inch hem along the open bottom and press.
Assemble and Finish:
1. Insert the raw pleated/folded/gathered edge of the dishtowel into the open side of the handle so that it lays full inch inside. Sew at least two rows of stitches to hold it in place.
2. Center your button on the pointed flap (Point C) and mark lines for the button hole. Make the Buttonhole on the flap.
3. Fold the flap over so the point lines up with the bottom edge of the wide base of the handle. Use a pin or mark with pencil where the button should go no the wide base and sew on the button.
Note: You could use a snap or Velcro if you don’t like to make button holes. It would be cute to use coordinating fabrics on the front and back of the handle, so when you fold it over, you see both fabrics. A scrappy handle would be sweet at well.
This pattern is copyrighted, but feel free to use it, just give credit to the source. :)
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