Sunday, January 5, 2014

Productive Weekend

Well, while over coming a migraine this weekend, I also conquered some wedding activities. At the wedding, after the ceremony during the pictures, guests will be playing games and hanging out. So, the colors of our wedding are turquoise, ivory, burlap, black, and lace. Saturday night I painted our corn hole boards turquoise. A friend of mine from work is going to get his friend to print a decal of our initials in a monogram and adhere them to the boards and then polyurethane them! I am so excited about them. For Christmas, my parents bought us each our letter of our name for the front door of Bud's. We also painted them turquoise. Well, only the S. We still have the B to paint. There is also a arrow sign that is going up. It will be in different directions showing the different wedding activities. So, I painted a couple of the arrows.

I got in the wedding planning mode this weekend when my flower girls mommy texted saying they were ordering her dress!! I'm so excited. It looks just like mine except hers isn't strapless and she is getting a turquoise sash! She is wearing her little cowgirl boots too! Madison is so presh!!!!

I am getting so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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